Jelle Prins, a Piedroba Consulting Group’s (PCG) partner, led a webinar with some 200 public officials from various Latin American nations and port authorities, focused on Marine Project Environmental Sustainability. PCG teamed with the Organization of American States’ Inter-American Committee on Ports (OAS-CIP) team to discuss the key factors in ensuring marine projects are delivered in an environmentally friendly manner. The webinar also addressed methods in aligning port development with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
SDGs, also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The 17 SDGs are integrated and recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability. The webinar included a PCG presentation followed by a rich discussion where participants asked questions via the host’s chat platform. CIP’s Chief, Mr. Jorge Duran, guided the interactive session. Piedroba Consulting Group provides risk management services throughout the Americas, specializing in representing marine infrastructure project owners. PCG serves cruise destinations, commercial ports, financial, and public sector markets. The OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is the only permanent Inter-American government forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of all OAS Member States for the promotion of the development of competitive, safe, sustainable, and inclusive ports in the Americas with the active participation of the private sector.
Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG) is pleased to announce it has joined with First Meridian in bringing world-class marine infrastructure project delivery consultancy services to Suriname and Guyana. First Meridian, a training and education services provider with over 30 years of combined experience in the local maritime, oil & gas, and mining industries is based in Paramaribo, Suriname and has an extensive track record of accruing value for the local oil and gas industry. With the recent discovery of significant oil and gas reserves, Guyana has become the subject of interest among energy sector operators, opening the possibility of Guyana becoming a major global oil producer. With the partnership, PCG aims to connect with the local booming oil & gas industry and offer marine infrastructure consultancy services to support the growth of the energy sector through the successful delivery of heavy marine infrastructure projects. Piedroba Consulting Group provides risk management services throughout the Americas, specializing in representing marine infrastructure project owners. PCG serves cruise destinations, commercial ports, financial, and public sector markets. First Meridian is a Suriname based maritime training & coaching center, offering a diverse portfolio of training and coaching, helping individuals to elevate themselves to new levels in the workforce. PCG discusses Marine Project Delivery Elements with Latin-American partners – November 2020.11/12/2020 Dr. Luis Prieto-Portar, Piedroba Consulting Group’s (PCG) Principal, lead a Webinar with over 200 Public Officials from Latin American Nations and Port Authorities, facilitating a dialogue on Marine Project Risk Management. PCG teamed up with the Organization of American States’ (OAS) Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) team to present the key factors in ensuring project site data is thoroughly collected, and how to produce detailed design delivery models.
The Webinar included PCG’s one hour presentation followed by a rich discussion where participants asked questions via the host’s chat platform. CIP’s Chief, Mr. Jorge Duran, guided the interactive session, with over 50 questions being received and addressed. Piedroba Consulting Group provides risk management services throughout the Americas, specializing in representing the owner with the successful delivery of marine infrastructure projects. In this capacity PCG typically serves the cruise destination, commercial ports, financial institutions, and public sector markets. The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States in 1889. Today, the OAS brings together all 35 Independent States of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere. The OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is the only permanent Inter-American government forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of all OAS Member States for the promotion of the development of competitive, safe, sustainable, and inclusive ports in the Americas with the active participation of the private sector. Together with over 300 members of the Organization of American States’ (OAS) Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) community PCG’s Jelle Prins and Luis Prieto y Munoz offered their insight on the status of the cruise industry. Lead by CIP’s Chief, Mr. Jorge Duran, Mr. Prieto y Munoz addressed a variety of environmental components related to the development of cruise destinations, with Mr. Prins offering a general high-level update on the status of the cruise industry amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
The PCG partners talked about the possible return to sailing, likely health protocol and itinerary changes, as well as the long-term impact to the cruise lines and their guests. Mr. Prieto y Munoz who has led multiple Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) efforts throughout the Caribbean welcomed the encouraging event: “The CIP community is a strong group with a loyal following, and with all the travel restrictions and limitations it is nice to partner with CIP in organizing our stakeholders, friends, and partners during these times. I find these Webinars extremely yielding, and am thankful for all of those taking the time to share their experiences with our community.” Piedroba Consulting Group provides risk management services throughout the Americas, specializing in representing the owner with the successful delivery of marine infrastructure projects. In this capacity PCG typically serves the cruise destination, commercial ports, financial institutions, and public sector markets. The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States in 1889. Today, the OAS brings together all 35 Independent States of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere. The OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is the only permanent Inter-American government forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of all OAS Member States for the promotion of the development of competitive, safe, sustainable, and inclusive ports in the Americas with the active participation of the private sector. The Organization of American States (OAS) and Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG) partnered with the Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina to offer an Executive Dredging Seminar on November 14-15.
This day-and-a-half Seminar was focused on Port CEO’s, General Managers, Executives, Engineers, and High-Level Government Officials. Topics included:
PCG’s Principal Dr. Luis Prieto-Portar, said: “Argentina and the Port of Buenos Aires are active players when it comes to delivering on their navigation commitments through dredging. Administering these dredging projects with all their technical, environmental, and administrative challenges can be a demanding task, and the Seminars we host with our partners facilitate educational services and context. We are pleased to have been invited by the Port of Buenos Aires and look forward to supporting OAS and CIP’s mission throughout the Americas, and to have helped our friends in Argentina prepare for their upcoming projects.” Piedroba Consulting Group provides risk management services throughout the Americas, specializing in representing marine infrastructure project owners. PCG serves cruise destinations, commercial ports, financial, and public sector markets. The OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is the only permanent Inter-American government forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of all OAS Member States for the promotion of the development of competitive, safe, sustainable, and inclusive ports in the Americas with the active participation of the private sector. OAS’s Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) and PCG have offered Executive Dredging Seminars in Panama, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. Over 200 private and public sector participants have participated in PCG classes in the last two years. The Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina and Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG), in a partnership with The Organization of American States’ (OAS) Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) hosted a successful two-day Executive Dredging Seminar in Buenos Aires, Argentina this month. PCG’s Dr. Luis Prieto-Portar and Jelle Prins joined the hosts and 50 Executive Public Sector Officials in attendance for a fruitful and interactive session. The Seminar discussed the different strategies required to successfully deliver the numerous major Argentine marine infrastructure developments currently planned.
Presented in Spanish, the Seminar addressed topics such as: Successful Marine Project Delivery Strategies, Contract Strategies, Risk Mitigation, Site Investigations, Environmental Compliance, and Performance-Based Contracting, among others. The Head of the Argentine Port Association, Mr. Gonzalo Mortola, was pleased with the event: “PCG, CIP, and those invited by the Port of Buenos Aires to participate produced a productive dialogue that is essential in preparing our nation for a quality delivery of our marine infrastructure needs. The PCG team lead by Dr. Prieto-Portar offers a wealth of experience, and we are grateful for his visit and knowledge sharing”. Piedroba Consulting Group provides risk management services throughout the Americas, specializing in representing the owner with the successful delivery of marine infrastructure projects. In this capacity PCG typically serves the cruise destination, commercial ports, financial institutions, and public sector markets. The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States in 1889. Today, the OAS brings together all 35 Independent States of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere. The OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is the only permanent Inter-American government forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of all OAS Member States for the promotion of the development of competitive, safe, sustainable, and inclusive ports in the Americas with the active participation of the private sector. Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG), in a partnership with The Organization of American States’ (OAS) Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) hosted a successful weeklong Executive Dredging Class in Panama last week. PCG’s staff traveled to Panama City, Panama to visit the Autoridad Maritima de Panama (APM) on April 9-13 and educate the 35 Port Officials in attendance on the different dynamics surrounding dredge project delivery.
The turnkey class addressed topics such as: Dredge Project Design, Contract Administration, Risk Management, Site Investigations, Environmental Compliance, and Performance-Based Contracting among others. The class included a site visit where the participants spent a full day on one of the world’s largest Cutter Suction Dredgers. Panama’s Minister of Maritime Affairs, Mr. Jorge Barakat complemented PCG with providing an excellent educational service "The class was outstanding, and we are thankful for our partners at PCG and CIP, and for offering invaluable technical expertise that will support the maritime community in Panama with all its exciting projects.” Piedroba Consulting Group provides risk management services throughout the Americas, specializing in representing the owner with the successful delivery of marine infrastructure projects. In this capacity PCG typically serves the cruise destination, commercial ports, financial institutions, and public sector markets. The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States in 1889. Today, the OAS brings together all 35 Independent States of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere. The OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is the only permanent Inter-American government forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of all OAS Member States for the promotion of the development of competitive, safe, sustainable, and inclusive ports in the Americas with the active participation of the private sector. Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) and Piedroba to Deliver a Message on Sustainable Dredging8/10/2018 Piedroba Consulting Group's (PCG) Luis Prieto y Munoz acted as the key-note speaker at last Wednesday's Inter-American Forum of Successful Experiences in Port Development in Mexico City, Mexico. Both the Organization of American States (OAS), and the Mexican Secretary of Transport joined in partnering for the event, which sought to support sustainable management for port competitiveness.
The Challenges in Developing a Sustainable Dredging Strategy and Environmental Sustainability were the main focal points of PCG's presentation. Furthermore, PCG presented the audience with a brief history of dredging and offered perspective on why dredging projects are characterized by complexities and high risks. OAS and PCG have an active partnership where they jointly offer educational services throughout The Americas, offering classes with an emphasis on maritime project risk management. OAS's Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) and PCG have offered Pro-Bono Executive Dredging Seminars in Panama, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. Over 100 private and public sector participants have gone through PCG's classes. Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG) is scheduled to present a paper on May 8th at the 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama. PCG's Dr. Luis Prieto-Portar (Principal) and Jelle Prins (Partner) will discuss how Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) has evolved as a contractual vehicle within the dredging industry and how the dredging industry can benefit from PBC in the future.
PBC, also known as a “draft guarantee contract”, transfers long-term sedimentation risk to the contractor, who is paid via fixed-term payments. The method is so successful that in some cases the PBC has lead to novel financing via tolls of the waterway (a concession contract). This paper provides supporting information of three successful applications of PBCs in Argentina and The Netherlands in large dredging programs. In all instances, disputes have been absent throughout these three contracts (involving over 20 years of continuous dredging). Additional data is presented on the technical and quality aspects that are most significant to the PBC to preserve the quality and successful completion of the projects. In addition to presenting the paper PCG will host a 1-day Executive Dredging Seminar at Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT) Wednesday May 9th. PCG already taught a week-long dredging class to the Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP) in April. Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG), in a partnership with The Organization of American States (OAS) hosted a successful Executive Dredging Seminar in Peru last week. PCG’s staff traveled to Lima, Peru to visit the Autoridad Portuaria Nacional (APN) de Peru on August 21-22, and educate the 35 Port Officials in attendance on the different dynamics surrounding dredging projects. The Seminar addressed topics such as: Dredge Project Design, Contract Administration, Risk Management, Site Investigations, Environmental Compliance, and Performance-Based Contracting among others.
"The seminar was an excellent event. We are very satisfied and we are already planning a second seminar with Piedroba on Environmental Risks in Dredging. The keynote speech on dredging by Dr. Luis Prieto-Portar, as well as the lectures by Ing. Luis Prieto y Muñoz were outstanding," said Elar Salvador, Chief of Unit for Capacity Building, APN. I would like to congratulate and thank you, and Dr. Luis Prieto-Portar, for the high level and most interesting excellent presentations. Your outstanding contributions were of great benefit to the attendees and contributed to most fruitful discussions. I would also like to thank Mr. Jelle Prins for his excellent collaboration for the preparation of this successful Seminar. Thanks to Piedroba Consulting Group, LLC., this Seminar promoted the exchange of valuable information and it also encouraged participants to raise questions relevant to their daily work which, I am sure, will help to increase awareness and technical knowledge on this important matter. |
October 2022
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