Piedroba invited to present paper at WEDA XXXIII Technical Conference & TAMU 44 Dredging Seminar.6/14/2013 Piedroba is pleased to announce it has been invited to present its paper on the depreciation of dredging equipment during the 33rd annual WEDA conference, and 44th Texas A&M Dredging Seminar August 25-28th in Hawaii. This paper briefly examines the misuse of depreciation of equipment in the US dredging industry. Contractors are prone to keep older equipment in order to “lower my bid with a dredge that is fully written off”. Distinction is made between the dredge’s market value (never zero) which is a cost versus its book value which is a charge. Confusing these two has led some small and medium contractors to be unable to replace their older low-productivity dredges with modern dredges suitable to changing market demands. The paper provides examples clarify depreciation.
About WEDA WEDA is a Member of The World Organization of Dredging Associations (WODA). The WEDA region covers North, Central and South America. The Central Dredging Association (CEDA) covers most of Europe, Africa, and the Mid and Near East. The Eastern Dredging Association (EADA) covers the Far East and Pacific region. The three organizations constitute WODA with equal representation. The goals and objectives are common for each of the three organizations; however operations to attain these are independently carried out.
October 2022
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